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Welcome to Open Source Glasgow, a group dedicated to encouraging the use of open source software and technology in Glasgow. We hold regular informal classes on how to set up a basic web server and linux command line use.

We're involved in supporting community groups and clubs get access to online services and equipment. Get in touch if you can help or if you need any assistance.

Upcoming events

Contact Us


  • Gemini-PHP - A Gemini server written in PHP
  • Command line - Classes for basic linux command line skills
  • RSS fixes - Community projects to bring RSS to those that don't have it


We run some open to the public servers:

As well as test out some new stuff including Gemini

  • - We're happy to provide subdomains, free web hosting and other services for any Glasgow based community projects. You can reach us using one of the above methods, or send an email to
start.1623069115.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/07 13:31 by admin