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guides:webserver:part2 [2019/10/04 12:46]
guides:webserver:part2 [2022/07/04 12:09] (current)
Line 19: Line 19:
 <code sql> <code sql>
 create database coding; create database coding;
-grant all on coding.* to coding_username@localhost identified by '​cheese';​+CREATE USER coding_username ​IDENTIFIED BY '​cheese'​
 +GRANT ALL privileges ON coding.* TO coding_username;
 quit; quit;
 </​code>​ </​code>​
Line 26: Line 27:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-wget https://​​vrana/​adminer/​releases/​download/​v4.7.3/adminer-4.7.3.php+wget https://​​vrana/​adminer/​releases/​download/​v4.8.1/adminer-4.8.1.php
 </​code>​ </​code>​
   * Then copy the file we downloaded to the web directory:   * Then copy the file we downloaded to the web directory:
 <code bash> <code bash>
-sudo cp adminer-4.7.3.php /​var/​www/​html/​adminer.php+sudo cp adminer-4.8.1.php /​var/​www/​html/​adminer.php
 </​code>​ </​code>​
   * Now we could access the Adminer program by adding ''/​adminer.php''​ to your public Amazon EC ip address   * Now we could access the Adminer program by adding ''/​adminer.php''​ to your public Amazon EC ip address
-  * [[Guides/​Webserver/​Part3|(next) Webserver Part 3: Hello World]]+  * [[:Guides/​Webserver/​Part3|(next) Webserver Part 3: Hello World]]
guides/webserver/part2.1570193181.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/10/04 12:46 by admin