This is an old revision of the document!
Python Planning
What did we do in the past?
What will we do in future?
Workshops. talks if possible. Advent of code.
Micro talks/lightning talks (2 speakers?)
Combining with open source glasgow (things like raspberry pi and ESP826, ardunio/sensors)
RFC for talks, request/proposal for talks
Proposals for workshops/projects
Poll to ask the groups what they want to see (general and specific)
How many events? 1 workshop/project event every month. An extra event (2 in a month) when we have a speaker?
How to find speakers
(maybe online talks sometimes)
How should the group communicate?
Meetup python (paid for by the python foundation)
Matrix room? (alternatives?)
Slack (
Size of group
How many can we accomodate in the gamer club?
Small amateur talks, workshops, stream the meetup online in realtime