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Linux command line basics for beginners (no set-up necessary)

Guided exploration of the Linux server command line.

When Tue August 20th 2019, 6:30pm
Where The Avalon Lounge, Kent Road

Informal and relaxed meeting in the quiet lounge of Avalon bar on Kent Road. You'll need a laptop to take part (but feel free to just observe if you'd prefer).

Aimed at absolute beginners. We'll show how to securely connect to a server then we'll work through Bandit, an adventure game set in the command line that progresses step-by-step from the basics to common programs and beyond.

I'll have my laptop plugged into a screen and we'll work together to introduce to you to each concept. Bring a laptop and play along as I explain how to progress to each level.

See how far you get before you come along and try on the night:

This event is free, but there will be a [completely optional] donation jar to cover the costs of the meetup group.

Getting Started

If you are on Windows, then download PuTTY, otherwise you probably already have the tools you'll need built in (ssh).

Game instructions:

Bandit Level 0

The goal of this level is for you to log into the game using SSH. The host to which you need to connect is, on port 2220. The username is bandit0 and the password is bandit0. Once logged in, go to the Level 1 page to find out how to beat Level 1.

Bandit Level 1

The password for the next level is stored in a file called readme located in the home directory. Use this password to log into using SSH. Whenever you find a password for a level, use SSH (on port 2220) to log into that level and continue the game.

Bandit Level 2+

Continue with the instructions online at

Scratch Area

I'll post any passwords/command line hints here as we progress if you are having trouble.

Level 0:

ssh -p 2220

There will be some passwords posted on the IRC channel (#opensource on if you need them.

There is a log of the chat you've missed available here:


  1. Adam Winstanley
  2. Alexander M.
  3. Donald
  4. Euan Weetch
  5. Jillian Joyce
  6. Liviu
  7. Nadiia Gorash
  8. Olivia Foulds
  9. punya trivedi
  10. Tammy Tracey
  11. William Nelson

Signed up, but didn't attend

  1. Connor Stewart
  2. Gee Thomson
  3. Greta Miller
  4. Hendrik Little
  5. Kinga Vandor
  6. Mauro Renna
  7. rorie hood
  8. Shweta
events/2019-08-20.txt · Last modified: 2019/10/04 13:31 by admin