====== Shell accounts ====== **mule**: "a community platform for inspiring, facilitating and implementing new ideas" [[https://opensource.glasgow.social|Open Source Glasgow]] run a public server that we invite you to create an account on. It's public facing address is https://mule.thegamerclub.co.uk This server is physically hosted in the server room of [[https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk|The Gamer Club]] in Glasgow. It's a HP Z420 server with 32Gb RAM and a 8 core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-5520 @ 2.27GHz. Join us in our Matrix chat room: [[https://matrix.to/#/#shellaccounts:glasgow.social|#shellaccounts:glasgow.social]] to request access and learn more. Other projects in a similar style across the globe: [[https://tildeverse.org/|Tildeverse]], [[https://hashbang.sh/#!|Hashbang]], [[http://sdf.lonestar.org/|SDF Public Access UNIX System]]