===== Intro to web development with Laravel 9/PHP ===== ==== Runs on the 2nd Monday every month ==== Join us for an introduction to modern web development using PHP/Laravel aimed at complete beginners. Learn how to get your development environment set up and we'll work through the basics of routes, models, views and databases with Laravel 9. This tutorial repeats on the second Monday every month so you can continue at your own pace. This event is being held in [[https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk|The Gamer Club]], there is free tea and coffee available and you are welcome to bring beers/wine if you prefer. You can find directions to the venue here: [[https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk/gettinghere]] The event is completely free, but there is a donation tin if you want to contribute to running costs. You can join our open source Matrix chat room via this invite link [[https://glasgow.social/matrix]] (room ID is #opensource:glasgow.social) for help with any topics, or to get to know us before the meetup. Looking forward to seeing you all soon! ==== Step by Step ==== * [[Laravel:Part 1]] ===== Resources ===== * [[https://laravel.com/docs|Laravel Documentation]] - Laravel has some excellent documentation. * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eD4yMI-IR8g&list=PLpzy7FIRqpGC8Jk6gyWdSVdxCVXZAsenQ|Laravel 6 Beginner]] - Good introduction series of tutorials on YouTube. An older version of Laravel, but the basics he covers are the same up to the latest Laravel.