====== Guides: Web server: Part 4 ======
* [[:guides/webserver|Back to Guides: Webserver]]
* [[:guides/webserver/part3|Back to Guides: Webserver Part 3]]
====== Editing Files ======
How to edit files on a remote server (i.e. on your Amazon EC2 instance):
===== Windows =====
==== SSHFS ====
* Install [[https://github.com/billziss-gh/sshfs-win|SSHFS-Win]]
* The first steps include installing [[https://github.com/billziss-gh/winfsp/releases/latest|WinFsp]]
* Install the [[https://github.com/evsar3/sshfs-win-manager|SSHFS-Win Manager]]
==== Notepad++ ====
Download Notepad++ from https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/ ([[https://download.cnet.com/Notepad/3000-2352_4-10327521.html|alternative download link]])
Once installed, click **Plugins**->**Plugins Admin** and search for **NppFTP**, tick the checkbox then click **Install**.
After Notepad++ restarts, click **Plugins**->**Show NppFTP Window**
Then, in the top right window that has now appeared docked in your Notepadd++ window, click the **Settings** icon (the gear), then **Profile settings**
Click **Add new** and give it a name.
Enter your details for your Amazon EC2 server:
|Hostname|Your EC2 IP address (or hostname)|
|Connection type|**SFTP**|
|Initial remote directory|/var/www/html/|
Click on the **Authentication** tab, untick **Try password authentication** and tick **Try private key authentication**, then click on the browse button next to the **Private key file** box, find your original **PEM** file (not the converted PPK file).
Once that key has been selected hit **Close**.
You can now connect to your server by using the top left **Connect** icon in the NppFTP window (top right section of Notepad++) and choosing the server you named above.
You should now be able to see/edit the ''test.php'' file you created earlier.
===== Linux =====
You are able to mount your remote server directly using sshfs:
sshfs -i identityfile.pem ubuntu@your_ec2_ip:/var/www/html/ my_ec2_server/
You can then use any editor and access the server files directly from the my_ec2_server directory.
===== MacOS =====
To transfer a file to the server with minimal fuss then use the built in Secure Copy command:
scp file.php ubuntu@your_aws_ip:/var/www/html
However, for transferring many files you may want to mount the remote directory with sshfs \\
Install the package manager HomeBrew if you don't have it already: https://brew.sh/
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Now use HomeBrew to install sshfs
brew install sshfs
Create a shortcut for your server by using this template and saving it to ''.ssh/config'' in your home directory (/Users/yourusername)
Host server_name
User ubuntu
Port 22
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile file_location
For example:
Host my_amazon_server
User ubuntu
Port 22
IdentitiesOnly yes
IdentityFile /Users/neil/myamazonkey.pem
Make sure you can ssh into your amazon server using the ''server_name'', e.g:
ssh my_amazon_server
If that works, you can use a similar sshfs command as above:
sshfs my_amazon_server:/var/www/html/ my_ec2_server/
More discussion can be found [[http://glasgowcodingmeetup.freeforums.net/post/18|on the group forums]]
* [[Guides/Webserver/Part5|(next) Webserver Part 5: Basic Form]]