====== Open source 3D game development with Godot for beginners ====== | Date | **Tuesday 31st March 2020** | | Time | **6:30pm** | | Location | **Online: [[https://meet.jit.si/opensource.glasgow.social]]** | | Meetup link | https://www.meetup.com/Open-Source-Glasgow/events/268709127/ \\ https://www.meetup.com/Glasgow-Coding-Meetup/events/269729363/ | Godot Game Engine is free and open source software released under the permissive MIT license: * You are free to use Godot Engine, for any purpose * You can study how Godot Engine works and change it * You can distribute unmodified and changed versions of Godot Engine, even commercially and under a different license (including proprietary) This event will show you how to get started creating basic 3D games. It will be more of a workshop format - I'll demo on my screen and you'll be able to work alongside me as we show the ins and outs of the software and it's scripting language, GDScript, which is quite similar to Python. We normally host these in the lounge of The Avalon, but as it's closed for the forseeable future, let's try an online event. We're using the opensource platform Jitsi, the event will start at 6:00pm here: You can download the Godot Engine from https://godotengine.org/ ===== Steps ===== See [[Getting started with Godot in 3D]]. ===== Get Help ===== If you have any questions, before or after the event, find us on IRC at irc.glasgow.social #coding ([[/IRC|What's this?]])