====== Donations ====== See also [[Funding]] for a full breakdown of costs and donations. **You can donate to us using [[https://liberapay.com/glasgow.social/donate|Liberapay]]** You can also donate to us using [[https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6ACNB29ENNXYL|PayPal]] or using [[https://donate.stripe.com/28o5opa6rfShfyo4gj|Stripe]] (supports ApplePay or a credit card). We also accept donations in person at our tutorial nights. You can donate via bitcoin by sending to this address: bc1qc2u4u0h86v39c0ry6a2uy730nlkgcdv8qls7a3 General donations are used to pay for (in order): * Our server fees ([[https://glasgow.social|Mastodon]], [[https://matrix.glasgow.social|Matrix]], [[https://lemmy.glasgow.social|Lemmy]], [[https://wiki.glasgow.social|Wiki]], [[https://meetup.glasgow.social|Meetup]]) * Domain name * Meetup.com fees * Marketing (business cards, glasgow.social stickers) * Funding free tea/coffee at our tutorial nights ===== Gifts ===== Contact [[https://glasgow.social/@neil|@neil@glasgow.social]] if you'd like to arrange a gift. * We've been gifted a membership to [[https://www.thegamerclub.co.uk|The Gamer Club]], a custom built venue in which we hold regular tutorials and meetups * PHPStorm licences (part of their [[https://www.jetbrains.com/community/user-groups/#section=communities|user-groups and communities]] initiative)